He hired a band to perform at the stage which cost him 2k, though they sang quite well but i dun think ppl are listen to them. His wedding pictures are quite nice anyway, will try to post it on the blog if i got time to scan it through.
I uploaded some of his wedding photos taken by themselves in Australia, take a look : http://www.flickr.com/photos/simontan755/
wah, since when you have blog also ar? suprise me ler.. hehe
Just started ler, too free got nothing to do ler hehe
see, I so good, visit you... so come KL belanja me minum lor.. haha
Wah, so surprise, our mr. kp gpt blog woh....go starting n keep it on. Cause we can know what happen to u in JB recently.
Wah, so surprise, our mr. kp got blog woh....good starting n keep it on. Cause we can know what happen to u in JB recently.
KP? A blog? Now that is scary!!! hahaha
gary, this blog exists bcoz u dun wanna come down jb for me liao and i m so lonely hehee
tracy, when come down spore shopping ah??? hahaaa
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